STYLEman365 PLM supports the entire product development process, either by establishing a complete seasonal product catalogue or by the development of products to meet customer or R&D demands. The purpose of a PLM system is to ensure on-time and on-budget product development, and increasingly these days to be able to audit both the process and the third parties used in the sourcing process. To this end, a major component of STYLEman365 PLM is the Critical Path module.
STYLEman365 PLM is designed for collaboration, both within the organisation and down the supply chain. As such, security has been designed in from the start in order to manage who can see and/or update key product attributes, as well as logging all changes to data for auditability purposes. STYLEman365 PLM allows access whether staff are in the office, working from home or out in the field, improving team efficiency and ensuring a consistent approach to product development.
Some key areas are described below.

Style Manager
STYLEman365 PLM is the repository for all Style development data, excluding only the physical sample. The Style Manager function is a tabbed folder where authorised users can access all of the information associated to a style. As well as the main categorisation of the style, a thumbnail image, and “unlimited” style attributes are held. Further tabs are available for notes and more images, colours and sizes, grading tables and fit sessions, care labels and lab tests, bills of material and labour, costing cards, critical path, quotation management, quality control and version history. All of the information is audited with date, time, user and previous values held for changes to the style as it evolves.
Style Summary
One of several ways to get an overview of styles in development is to use the Style Summary, which shows a box for each style, gives a thumbnail of the critical path status and has icons to dig deeper into the style with a single click. The layout of the Style Summary can be customised for each user, and the styles arranged for either aesthetic or priority reasons.
Notes, Pictures and Attachments
STYLEman365 PLM is the repository for all documents associated with a style’s development. The system can hold not only drawings, diagrams and photos, but also any other type of document that may be relevant, including incoming fax images, document scans, catwalk or manufacturing video, audio clips and office documents. You can define some structure to the attachments by creating named sections to hold different types of documents, and then uploading the attachments into the right section. Notes can be attached to any of the images or attachments, in either structured or unstructured formats. Facilities exist to create your own forms and attach them to styles, using flexible notes templates.
Critical Path
At the heart of STYLEman365 PLM is a sophisticated Critical Path management tool that is designed to ensure that all activities are completed in a timely fashion, and each activity is the responsibility of an individual or partner organisation. Critical Paths can be viewed individually as in this example, or presented as representations of entire sections of the range in a variety of different formats: by activity, by responsibility, by team etc.
Sampling and Fit Sessions
STYLEman365 PLM can issue instructions to make samples and prototypes, of single sizes or indeed a fully graded set. STYLEman365 PLM has the ability to record actual measurements against any number of pre-defined fit session types (for example, Proto, Red Seal, Gold Seal). Once the garments have been received, they can be measured and compared against the style standard grading table measurements and tolerances, where any variations will be highlighted. Feedback can be given to the supplier, further examples ordered and a full history is kept within STYLEman365 PLM.
Costing Comparison by Source and Destination
If your business is potentially purchasing the style from more than one supplier and/or shipping the style to more than one destination, this program allows immediate comparisons of the landed cost to one or many ultimate destinations. Using costing tables within the application for elements such as freight, duty and quota, the program can immediately calculate the best place to source and land the style, as well as indicate suggested RRPs for destination markets.
Range Planning
Range Planning allows a collection to be built for a season or a capsule on a top down basis, either by extrapolating historical data or by indicating the range categorisation. Carry over styles may be included, and placeholder styles generated for those that have yet to be designed, gradually being fleshed out as the data becomes available. Development of the whole collection may be rolled up and monitored, and any lagging events highlighted. STYLEman365 PLM Range Planning provides a structured framework to define, develop and monitor your collection to ensure delivery on a timely basis.
More information
We’d be delighted to answer any questions and discuss your requirements further; please call +44 (0)116 291 6666 and